Your Waterwheel Solution

ABC TV - Extreme Makeover Home Edition

8 Foot by 12 inches modular decorative unit - October, 2004

ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition selected the Waterwheel Factory of Franklin, NC to assist in providing expertise and product for an edition of the hit television program. The Emmy nominated TV show is based around individuals and businesses coming together to help a deserving family accomplish a seven day home transformation. The Waterwheel Factory was part of a landscaping team that turned a dust / mud covered yard into a beautiful oasis in a matter of a few days. Show scheduled for broadcast on Nov 21, 2004 & Feb 7. 2005

This mud hole is actually the front of the home.

During the ground preparation we encountered some 40 mph dust storms in the open fields of Bakersfield CA. We also received 2 of the 3 inches of yearly rain during the first few days.
A group of volunteers pitched in to help prep the metal for painting
The cement trucks arrived at 4 in the morning to pour the patio and the cement for the waterwheel footer and supports.
As the waterwheel support dried the landscaping team was busy forming out the pond in front of the waterwheel
When the wheel supports were dry enough the axle, hubs and spokes were assembled

The modular buckets were then attached to the side panels.

The wheel was then given another coat of metal paint.

Final landscaping and stone work around the wheel took place after I left. This whole process took less then 48 hours.

I would like to acknowledge and thank my metal supplier; J&S Fab for their assistance and contribution